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Strawberry Quartz

Strawberry Quartz

Small - $1.99

Medium - $3.99

Large - $5.99


With all the powerful amplification properties of Clear Quartz, Strawberry Quartz, also known as Red Quartz, weaves in an added layer of soothing, loving energy. Infused with Goethite and Iron Oxide, this juicy crystals help us to see our purpose and find our place.  Nurturing vibration helps in the search for your soulmate or perfect love partner. Its the perfect love stone for giving or receiving.


Strawberry Quartz strengthens and balances connections between the physical body and the aura, it also brings to the surface the hidden causes of current problematic situations.

It’s said it can lessen the restrictions you place upon yourself and make it easier to reprogram outdated beliefs. Meditating with Strawberry Quartz can stabilize an unbalanced energy field, and bring guidance to the Higher Heart.








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