Pietersite Tumbled
Pietersite is a trade name for a dark blue-grey breccia aggregate made up mainly of hawk's eye and tigereye. Pietersite is an extremely supportive and strengthening stone that increases self-esteem. Pietersite discharges negative energies and emotional turmoil while cleansing the aura, restoring it to calm. Pietersite is thought to work with the body during meditation, rapidly moving into a higher state of awareness. An excellent ally for those who are stuck or unable to make progress, Pietersite helps to clear stagnant energies, habits and life patterns, and reveals new directions for one’s life. It also lends the will to take action toward those new goals. The dominant gold energy activates the Second and Third Chakras, the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, as the dark blue stimulates the Third Eye Chakra.